AMI, the world’s largest firmware company, now fields its Hardware-Root-of-Trust (HRoT) solutions under the Tektagon™ family name. Alphanameric, the dedicated naming service of Applied Storytelling, led the effort that yielded the new brand name.

“AMI wanted to replace a series of individual product names with a family-level name that would create a stronger impression of the company’s leadership in this area,” says Eric La Brecque, who led the naming effort.
“The company also wanted a name they could own as a .com without having to make a costly purchase or enter into lengthy negotiations,” he adds.
Tektagon, a coined word, conveys the idea of “many-faceted technology protection.” (The suffix -gon means “angle,” as in polygon, “many-angled.”)
Naming for AMI’s flagship security solution was the cornerstone of a larger assignment to review the company’s product naming system and recommend ways to streamline it for customers and the company alike.